Embark on a journey “The Farm 1942” Set in the tumultuous backdrop of 1942, with World War II raging, “The Farm” delves into the shadows where the despicable illegal slave trade persists. When husband and wife, portrayed by Sanchez and Shortiii, find themselves ensnared in a web of injustice with no money to pay their debts. the town’s Sheriff tightens, leading to their arrest and subsequent auction into slavery.
The slave trafficker Manta Rope, a relentless agent working on behalf of the formidable Mistress Divine Succubus. they travel a grueling odyssey across the Western outback As the arduous journey unfolds, Sanchez and Shortiii confront the brutal realities of servitude and slavery, their hopes tethered to the promise of freedom once their debts are repaid.
Part of the The Farm Collection